четверг, 17 марта 2016 г.

Inspirational shit

That moment when you have kinda dreamy mood but can do nothing with it.
Some time ago I was scrolling my insta feed and noticed a pic taken by one guy who wrote very inspiring words. While going to some amazing spot he had to hike up sand dunes and climb rocks and when he had finally reached the spot he met a couple, who had a date there, their brand new converse were absolutely ruined by the sand and dirt but they didn't really care coz the view was worth it. And that's damn cool. All that matters is the company you're with, not some materialistic shit. I found that very inspiring. He's right, "fuck materialistic shit",- he said. We're given only one life so why the hell do we waste it on some stupid things? Why don't we appreciate every moment we have? Why do we want everything to be perfect? People must be beautiful otherwise we wouldn't date them, food must be healthy otherwise we wouldn't eat it, work must give a lot of money so we could buy things we don't need. Fuck it, fuck what they say. Our world is not perfect, I'm not perfect, you're not perfect, people who say that shit are not perfect. "And if you feel good with someone, does anything else matters?", and it really doesn't. What makes people happy? Love, family, fiendship, moments they capture. And it's not about luxury hotels and expensive cars, not about celebrities and expensive clothes. It's all about those freaking converse and a backpack - making them dirty means making memories. And while we're still young, let's stay a bit foolish, a bit crazy, adventurous, because we can't turn back time. All we have is now.

среда, 2 марта 2016 г.

Spring time!

Наконец-то весна! Зима была слишком долгой и слишком сложной, но мы её пережили и можно дышать легко. Лишние люди вычеркнуты, важные дела сделаны, теперь можно приступать и к новым - не менее важным. Коротенький будет пост, но не хочется много расписывать о том, что происходит, потому что всё хорошо. Просто хорошо. Любовь уже is in the air. Осталось дождаться запаха тюльпанов и сирени по городу, ну и чтобы кашель прошел.

It's finally Spring! Winter was so long and so complicated, but we've managed to live through it and finally can easily breathe. Unnecessary people forgotten, many important things done, now it's time to do something new - also important and serious. Short post but there's nothing much to say because everything is ok and I'm ok. Love is already in the air. The last thing is the aroma of tulips and lilacs in the streets of this city! Oh, and it's high time my cough finally stopped :)